What is the purpose of 'Slices' in Figma's export process?
Slices in Figma allow you to select and export specific portions of your design, rather than exporting an entire frame or artboard.
What Figma feature helps ensure that all team members are using the latest version of your Design System components?
When you make changes to your Design System library in Figma, other users will receive notifications about the updates, and they can choose to accept and apply these changes to their projects.
In Figma's prototyping, what does the 'Preserve scroll position' setting achieve when transitioning between frames?
This setting ensures a seamless transition for prototypes with scrollable content, mimicking how a user would naturally continue browsing from their previous position.
Which team permission level in Figma allows editing of design files?
The 'Can Edit' permission level in Figma grants users the ability to directly modify design files.
How do you create a new Variant for an existing Component in Figma?
To create a new variant, select the master component, and in the Design panel, click on the '+' button next to the component's name. This ensures the new variant remains linked to the master component.
Which of these integrations allows you to receive design update notifications in a Slack channel?
Figma offers a direct integration with Slack, enabling you to connect specific Figma files or projects to Slack channels for automated update notifications.
In Figma's text editing, what does the 'Text Align' option control?
The 'Text Align' option in Figma determines how the text block aligns itself horizontally within its container, offering options like left, center, and right alignment.
How are overlays typically positioned in relation to the content they appear over in Figma prototypes?
Overlays need to appear on top of other elements. Absolute positioning relative to the frame ensures they stay in the intended location regardless of the content below.
What happens to an element with 'Fixed' resizing settings when its parent frame's size is changed?
Choosing 'Fixed' as the resizing option for an element ensures that it remains unaffected by any changes to its parent frame's dimensions, keeping its size and position constant.
What does the Content Reel plugin primarily help you with?
Content Reel is used to quickly fill your Figma designs with realistic placeholder text, images, and other content types.
In Figma, which Boolean operation combines two or more shapes to create a single, merged shape?
The Union operation in Figma combines the selected shapes, removing any overlapping areas to create one unified shape.
Which Figma feature is essential for creating responsive designs that adapt to various screen sizes?
Auto Layout in Figma allows you to define how elements resize and reposition automatically within a frame as its content changes or it's resized, making it crucial for responsive design.
Which resizing option in Figma would you use to ensure an image scales proportionally when its parent frame is resized?
Choosing the 'Scale' resizing option in Figma ensures that an element, such as an image, maintains its aspect ratio and scales proportionally as its parent frame is resized.
In Auto Layout, what is the function of the 'Spacing' property?
The 'Spacing' property in Auto Layout governs the amount of space that is automatically maintained between elements placed inside an Auto Layout frame.
In Figma, what does setting an export format to 'PDF' preserve?
Exporting as PDF in Figma maintains the vector nature of shapes and text, ensuring scalability without loss of quality. However, it does not preserve interactive elements like animations or prototypes.