Which data structure is most closely related to the concept of recursion?
Recursion uses the call stack to keep track of function calls. Each recursive call is pushed onto the stack, and when a call completes, it's popped off, mimicking the LIFO principle.
In the context of memory allocation within a program, what type of stack is used?
The call stack keeps track of active functions, their local variables, and the order in which functions are called and returned from.
In which scenario would an array-based stack be a more suitable choice than a linked list-based stack?
If the stack size is predictable and small, an array-based stack can be more efficient due to its contiguous memory allocation and simpler implementation. Linked lists introduce some overhead with their pointer structure.
In the context of the 'Next Greater Element' problem, what does the term 'next greater' refer to?
The 'Next Greater Element' problem focuses on finding the element that is positioned to the right of the current element and holds a greater numerical value.
In which scenario would you prefer using a stack over a queue data structure?
Stacks follow a Last-In, First-Out (LIFO) principle, making them well-suited for undo/redo operations. The most recent action is the first one to be undone.
In a stack, how is the element that was added before the last added element accessed?
Stacks restrict access to only the top element. To reach elements deeper in the stack, you need to pop elements one by one until you reach the desired element.
In a 'Next Greater Element' problem, if no greater element exists to the right of an element, what is typically assigned as its 'next greater element'?
Conventionally, -1 is assigned as the 'next greater element' when no element to the right holds a greater value. This helps differentiate it from potential valid values within the data.
How does a stack help in converting infix expressions to postfix?
Stacks help arrange operators in the output based on their precedence, ensuring the correct order of operations in the postfix expression.
What real-world scenario accurately reflects the functioning of a stack?
In a single-lane driveway, the last car parked is the first one that needs to be moved out. This mirrors the LIFO principle of stacks.
Which data structure is most similar to a deque in terms of functionality?
Both queues and deques allow insertions and deletions at both ends. However, deques offer more flexibility.